Dr. Lukas Riedel

Dr. Lukas Riedel
Staff of Professorship for Weather and Climate Risks
ETH Zürich
Additional information
Lukas is a PostDoc at the Weather and Climate Risk Group (Prof. David N. Bresch) and MeteoSwiss. His research focuses on impact estimations of hydrometeorological events with CLIMADA in the Weather4UN project.
After studying Physics at Heidelberg University, Lukas conducted his PhD thesis on numerical modeling and data assimilation of soil water flow at the Institute of Environmental Physics in the research group for Terrestrial Systems and Chaotic, Complex, & Evolving Environmental Systems (TS-CCEES, Prof. Kurt Roth). He then joined the "Structures" Cluster of Excellence as PostDoc, developing a numerical elasticity model for biological cells and actin stress fibers in a joint effort of the group for Physics of Complex Biosystems (Prof. Ulrich Schwarz) and the Scientific Computing Group (Prof. Peter Bastian) at the Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing (IWR).
During his studies, Lukas co-developed DORiE, a numerical solver for soil water flow and passive solute transport, and Utopia, a software framework for modeling complex adaptive systems.