Dr. Dahyann Araya Muñoz
Dr. Dahyann Araya Muñoz
Staff of Professorship for Weather and Climate Risks
ETH Zürich
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Research area
Dahyann's research is centered on geospatial modeling, through which she investigates patterns, relationships, and processes to create analytical methods and tools for assessing and managing climate, environmental, and social risks.
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Currently, she conducts her research at the Weather and Climate Risk Group at ETH Zürich, focusing on developing pipelines to integrate seasonal forecast data from the Copernicus Data Store with CLIMADA as part of the UCLIMADAPT project. Her work involves developing methods and tools for integration in the context of heat-related hazards. In her postdoctoral research at Eawag (Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology), she utilized machine learning models and GIS to assess groundwater contaminants such as fluoride, manganese, and salinity, estimating the populations at risk and thereby informing stakeholders about water safety issues in various African countries. She holds a PhD in Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences from the University of Edinburgh, where she developed a fuzzy logic modeling tool designed to assess the spatiotemporal vulnerabilities of populations and urban assets to various hazards, including coastal and river flooding, water scarcity, heat stress, and wildfires. This work was aimed at supporting municipalities in their climate change adaptation strategies.