News & Events


29.09.2024 – Prof. Bresch at Sternstunde Philosophie in SRF

Enlarged view: Sternstunde

Prof. David N. Bresch discusses how people around the world need to adapt to climate change. Watch the discussion external page hereexternal page

17.06.2024 - CLIMADA wins first prize at Venture Awards

Enlarged view: CLIMADAwins

ETH spin-off CLIMADA Technologies won the first prize in the Finance&Insurance category at the Venture Awards. Read more about the awardexternal page

24.03.2024 – Mangrove forests as breakwaters

Enlarged view: ETH Science City

WCR’s Sarah Hülsen gave a lecture at Treffpunkt Science City about the benefits of the restoration of natural coastlines. Watch the lecture external page here


For a list of current events, see the Events page.

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